
safeopt.plot_3d_gp(gp, inputs, predictions=None, figure=None, axis=None, fixed_inputs=None, beta=3, **kwargs)

Plot a 3D gp with uncertainty.

gp: Instance of GPy.models.GPRegression
inputs: 2darray

The input parameters at which the GP is to be evaluated

predictions: ndarray

Can be used to manually pass the GP predictions, set to None to use the gp directly. Is of the form [mean, variance]

figure: matplotlib figure

The figure on which to draw (ignored if axis is provided

axis: matplotlib axis

The axis on which to draw

fixed_inputs: list

A list containing the the fixed inputs and their corresponding values, e.g., [(0, 3.2), (4, -2.43)]. Set the value to None if it’s not fixed, but should not be a plotted axis either

beta: float

The confidence interval used

surface: matplotlib trisurf plot
data: matplotlib plot for data points